Thursday, August 30, 2007

I know it's a little early...

to be writing another post but how could I pass up writing something remotely exciting that happened to me.
Well well well
I got harassssssed at a gas station today.
yeah, I don't know what exactly happened but for some reason i ended up in the manager's office at a BP. A manager has an office in a gas station? But Where? I, like you, was stunned to find out it was directly behind the reshresments and mini pringles and NOT in a luxurious space next to the cuban cafeteria.
Apparently the manger said I was trying to scam (not sexually) BP gas staion into giving me free gas or something along those matters. AND, that i had a con man who was also doing damage with me trying to bring down the whole fucking BP enterprise! god forbid! He yelled at me.......i yelled back (or attempted to in that fancy language know as Spanish).
I ended up being right because i got my girl ******** (not going to mention her name) to give him a blowjob behind the snickers section.

Joke!....just the last sentence.

But I still was right. I told my very protective/mental mother about the situation and in her finest jargon she said "I am going to kick his ass."
Nice mom. Lovely words.

I know, not the best story because first hand hispanic dissing is better in person.......

Did i mention i found a stash of skag in his office and mama and i are waiting to use it for a special occasion?


Nicole I said...

i will comment on everything you write so that I look like a fan. I mean so that it looks like you have a fan.

Nicole I said...

Also: can I be in your group ?